![Why indeed!!](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhXuvpj-oLXy3mFbycj1lQyC2NcTrPw3lZOcR6-DoFcY53izqjMpTqmv2tB5OzlNAmEKVV97AYf7kuIKqPOS7M3J55gplwtRKvRD_YYTjeAnh79OB4U0VKnpTO8WgCSAvkWrtECXA/s320/pot.jpg)
I just finished watching "The Prince of Pot" on CBC's The Lens, [aside: anonymous very kindly included a link to the doc in the comments...click here to get to the first part.] and watching it made me furious. I'm sick and tired of these fucking public officials (especially the DEA from the US, but also the RCMP) going on against drugs with zero tolerance, and whenever a question becomes too awkward for them, they ALWAYS, and I mean fucking always go back to the dangers to the precious children.
It's a shame that our society is so fucking great that people feel the need to get drunk, get stoned, get fucked-up....yet, no public official will try to comprehend why that is.
Why is our society riddled with addictions? addiction to alcohol...pot...crack...cigarettes....meth...
I don't fucking know, but I do know that it is. I have struggled with addiction ever since pounding back that 6 pack [aside: Brador 6%] in grade 10. After years and years of struggle with alcohol, I finally have control (as of now) of that addiction. Cigarettes? Quit them 5 years ago. To me, cigarettes were tied in with the alcohol. Pot? I still struggle with smoking too much, but when I don't have it, I occassionally find my mind wandering to the beer. Sometimes, you just need something...something to take the mind away from the regular bullshit of life (you know...being in debt...trying to find a job...coping with assholes...dealing with depression).
Obviously, it would be better if we exercised, went on trips, and did great things in our spare time instead of these addictions, but we as humans have weaknesses and don't always do the "perfect" thing.
Unfortunately, I can't have just 2 or 3 beers. I would drink until I crashed, and usually get incredibly angry as the night went on...alcohol increases the anger within or the absolute desperation to convince yourself you're having a good time...at any cost. With pot...well, I would smoke too much, but I wouldn't be hungover the next day, and would be able to go on a hike or a field trip. It also doesn't increase the violence within or that sad desperation. Giving up the booze meant that I wasted fewer days stuck inside working off a hangover (which get worse the older you get).
Now...what the fuck am I trying to say? I'm saying many of us struggle with addictions, and sometimes if you can find the addiction that causes you the less personal damage, you should stick with and try to control that addiction. Instead, I have to try to find a dealer, worry about driving with it (I mean having it in the car...not driving high) and get paranoid about the fucking cops. And if I can't find any pot, then I start thinking about the booze, which has caused me great personal damage.
Then I see these fucking assholes in governement go on about how it hurts the children. If your fucking society was so fucking great, why do people (including children) feel the need to alter their state of mind? Because your society is boring. Your schools are boring (I was incredibly bored during school...no challenge, no excitement...school makes learning an absolute bore, when the gift of learning is anything but boring!!!), work is boring for most people (if it isn't count yourself blessed), television is boring, politics is boring, mainstream music and movies are boring...so what do people do to alleviate that boredom? They get fucked-up, man!!!
I'm dry right now, and do you know how dull it is to work on a resume when you're straight? Pretty fucking dull. At least if I got high I could crank up the tunes, and boogie along dancing with The Bah. I find when I don't have pot, it really makes no difference in how much I accomplish. There doesn't seem to be a difference...so there goes the argument that pot just makes you lazy and do nothing...no fucking difference.
Let's talk about depression...[aside: hey, I know I'm rambling, but I'm straight, and too bored to go back and tighten this baby up...it's a rant anyhow]. Pot is certainly no cure for depression, but it can help glide you through some tough times, and it's way better than the booze! Instead of getting riled up with booze, you can smile peacefully with a joint in your hand.
I know pot isn't for everybody. In fact, I've known a couple of people who should NOT smoke pot. I also know many more people who should NOT drink. Does pot lead to harder drugs? No, I believe it has nothing to do with pot...pot is just a stopgap until that person hits their addiction problem. You don't see too many people down and out in the streets because of their pot addiction. It's the hard drugs that are crippling those people. Have I tried harder drugs? Yep, but ironically when I was a drinker, not a druggie. Drinking brings out desperation, pot calms that desperation.
I guess in a perfect world we wouldn't need any kind of escape...but, even then, deep thinkers in the past have wanted to test the limits of their perceptive powers, and many times that would include harder drugs...shamans and their peyote & opium, writers with their absinthe...many brilliant and creative minds have desired to alter their state of mind. Push the limits. Sometimes the results may be disastorous, but so what? I mean, we're all going to die, why not push things a bit? At least they're fucking trying!!
OK...I haven't talked about the precious children much...the big argument the DEA and righteous assholes constantly bring up. As for myself, I was a "good" student, and started drinking in grade 10. Pretty much every weekend involved getting drunk. I smoked pot for the first time in grade 11...I loved it, but was more of a drinker...drinking helped me overcome my natural shyness and reclusiveness and allowed me to socialize and become "popular" (hahahaha...if I only knew then what I know now), while ignoring a depression that was getting out of control. When I quit drinking, the depression came flowing out BUT (and this is for all my fair-weathered friends who were disappointed in my decision to quit drinking) it allowed me to finally deal with it...and work on doing something about it...something I'm still working on to this day, and will for the rest of my life.
Oh, the fucking kids...well, your precious children are going to want to experiment (and if they don't, what's wrong with them?) and I think it's much better to be honest with them, about the effects of alcohol...the effects of pot...the effects of the hard shit...be honest with them, cause when they take that toke and feel great, they're just going to think you're a fucking squarehead and worse...a liar. That includes sex too...why pretend sex isn't great? You fucking hypocrites!
When the DEA jerks start in with "their is no difference between soft and hard drugs"...well, they're liars! They're assholes and the last people on earth I would want to be involved in raising the children. Why do we lie so much to children? Are they trying to brainwash the kids into being "acceptable" members of this society? By lies??? [aside: Isn't that what they accuse their "many" enemies of? And those enemies are full of shit too!!] Yet, they don't seem to consider alcohol a drug!?!? I guess the companies making that alcohol have "good friends" up high...if you know what I mean...money money money yeh yeh...
In regards to the documentary, "The Prince of Pot", there is no doubt that Marc Emery is some kind of egotistical martyr...maybe an asshole, maybe a nice guy...I don't know BUT he's not lying about this issue, and at least has the guts to be that martyr. The US has spent almost a trillion fucking dollars in the anti-drug campaign (amount taken from the doc...no source, but let's face it, it's an astronomical amount) and they deal with it by aggression and punishment...and look how well that has worked...it's a joke! If they put that money towards education, cleaning up the slums, you know, maybe spread some of that wealth around...maybe they would have less serious problems.
And are the DEA and RCMP in cahoots with the bikers???? I've heard this (no facts, but from someone who may have a clue): the RCMP don't want to legalize pot, because the boys make too much money in overtime trying to put out the grow-ops out of business, which they know damn well won't happen. One goes down, one goes up....keep the money coming in, hand in hand...
um...the RCMP make money, the boys on the bikes make money...curious, indeed.
This was a great doc, which I'm sure many on the anti-drug side will say was too pro-emery, pro-pot, but then again Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck, Hannity & Colmes get hours of tv time a night spouting out their hatred for anything not american and apple pie. Give it up boys, let's lean towards tolerance and education. Not repression and hatred and aggression and anti-everything! [aside: wild fact - 1/4 of the world's prisoners are in the USA] [2nd quick aside: ever notice how humourless these righteous anti-pot people are??? They seem like very unhappy people...they're the ones who really need a toke...but they probably get drunk instead]
This rambling rant is over.
If you missed it, it's on again Saturday October 27th at 11 pm ET/ 8 pm PT on the CBC. Please Canada, I love ya, and don't give in to the DEA. Show some balls and don't extradite Marc Emery.
Now, if I could only find a supplier...