Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Hallowe'en!!! Boo!!!!!!

Bones Ellington gets on down...baybay
I'm scaring my mind by listening to John Cale's "Dream Interpretation" 1965-1967 (2002). You can follow the drone of the viola and let it take you to the dark places in your broken cranium.



Here's the classic "Time Warp" from Rocky Horror - a movie I still haven't seen all the way through...but, I've always loved this song and video. thanks nawty


Dead Body Outside Your Door

a dead body outside your door

a picture from an old war photo
the blood clean and dry
a perfect shot through the brain
the corpse remains still and serene
peaceful and thoughtful like religion

a dead body outside your door

neighbours stare and point and whisper
discussing the clay at an art exhibit
little children laugh in horror
something to discuss years from now
nothing exquisite like a car crash

a dead body outside your door

by John Harvey

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