Saturday, June 21, 2008

Always an Honour....& Jandek, Faust, Wildfire and some pondering on quantity vs. quality!!!

...for Harvey Dog to be mentioned in the same sentence with someone as great as Jandek. Read here at e-Mole's blog.

Speaking of Mr. Jandek - the more I listen to Jandek, the more I love his art (and it's art - make no mistake!!), and find new layers to explore. Here's a
link for the Guide to Jandek.

On the cd player now: Faust: Faust Wakes Nosferatu (1998) This is my first listen to this platter, and I'm finding it pretty great. Minimalist and probably more appropriate to be listening to this on headphones - while watching Nosferatu - while eating popcorn...still - pretty great latter-day Faust.

I heard Wildfire: Smokin' (1970) and was pretty blown away by the fuzzed up guitars and driving hard rocking music. This was a real find! I love this kind of music!!! Click
here for a great bio on these guys and a free illegal download!

I was pondering the other day about quantity vs. quality. When I was younger I would listen to the same album many times over, on a daily basis...the words became memorized, I could sing along, layers of musical depth were explored. As I've become an older, more ancient man, I relish exploring and finding new bands to hear - new albums to rock my world - new albums to jazz my soul - avante-gardize my brain...BUT this has also led to hearing great albums, and then not putting them on again for months!!

What's better?? Fewer albums, more listens OR more albums more musical discoveries??? I get physical sensations of pleasure when I discover something new, something obscure with riches to offer...then again, I lose the pleasure of having an album become part of my life, part of my, it's more likely for a band to become part of my soul rather than a particular album. The closest I've come to the old days, is by listening to tons of Can, and becoming more and more familiar with their albums. In fact - I think after Faust, Can's: Monster Movie (1969) may be next on the player.

Yoo Doo Right!!!!

Here's Jandek doing "Real Wild" from 2004 in his first ever live performance in Scotland. Yeh!!! Let's all make the get....real wild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks cjmarsicano.


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