Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Harvey Dog's fav bands and musicians: The B's - Beatles & Beefheart then interupitis...

It's time for the B's! Grab that cd list and let's see who I feel like talking about...

The Beatles: well well well...the beatles were the 1st that i couldn't ignore...the beatles....the FUCKING beatles!!! there are some haters out there --- [i'm looking at you teezy luciow and randy!!]...what can i say...the 1st album i completely went insane over was The Beatles 1967-1970 - the classic Blue Album! got it as a xmas present and it still sounds great!! i am the walrus was, like, my fav song at the time...and i still love it...I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together...brilliant! as a kid i would read whatever i could of the beatles. i was fascinated by their story - i remember reading Hunter Davies bio of the beatles and it felt decadent to a catholic virgin of 11-12...they talked about drugs - and it sounded so cool...these days i can see that the beatles were not infallible - and i'm not as crazy about sgt pepper as i used to be, but it still has absolute classics on it (title track, lovely rita, day in the life - but not she's leaving home or when i'm 64 - schmaltzy or what?? ...fucking mccartney...). the white album would be my fav, followed by abbey road or the blue album...rubber soul was pretty great too...i even like let it be! man, i can't deny it...i'm still a big fan!!

Captain Beefheart: TOP 10...nope...TOP 5! definitely!!! i become more of a fan of the captain each and every most people (unless you have a mental illness) trout mask sounded somewhat...different? than anything else, so it took a few listens and then you start differentiating the songs and you get your favs...moonlight on vermont, china pig, dust blows forward, veteran days poppy...then you start picking out even more...ella guru, well, orange claw hammer -- then it all makes sense, and you feel first captain was an 8-track of unconditionally guaranteed...bought on holiday in some mall in the states for like 50 cents...i always loved the name - beefheart -- fart...hahahaha...beeffart...yep, a life-long fan of fart humour is born...and i loved that 8 track! i was maybe 12-13 - i didn't know about selling out yet. i change up my fav captain depending what i last listened to...trout mask (of course)...loved spotlight kid and clear spot...shiny beast and doc at the radar are incredible...also read his bio by mike barnes (2004) found at toronto's world's largest book fact, read it twice...i suspect the captain took more drugs than i realized...then it all makes sense...and makes you feel content...
( 2 days later...)
this will be continued in another post - next up
The Bintangs!!
David Bowie drops in for a visit...Charles Bukowski gets drunk,
buttholes and an animal...
and a buckley named tim...


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