I watched this as it happened back in the day...but it's been 12 years, so time to visit this considered classic between 2 of the best...
I've got Poobah hanging out with me and Trouble. The Guru is off partying in Ontario! Lucky! I'm jealous...I just listened to Frank Zappa's "Wazoo" live 1972 released 2007 and sounding mighty fine on first listen. wazoo! wazoo! it's the wazoo band!!
alright ladies and gentlemen let's set er up for the main event of the evening the champion Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels in a 60 minute iron man match for the WWF World Heavyweight Champion (said howard co-harvey style)
first - we'll finish listening to cd 1 of Zappa: Wazoooooooooooooooooo
..then a little herbal essence...
Oh My God...why is Hebner talking so s l o w l y?????
The Main Event
The Main Event
4:33 - lawler's been good so far...these guys don't make mistakes...everything crisp clean basic but good...
7:47 - stu and blassie lookin' pretty sharp...stu looks almost alive - hahahaha
14:40 - this has been great...love bret when he shows heel...
15:03 - wow what a spot!! did that timekeeper guy get levelled or what!?!
17:07 - that was funny - bret to ref: "ask him ask him...it's not a staring contest"...was great...he sounded so ticked off...
18:32 - does mcmahon never shut up???
19:30 - these guys smooth like ice cream or chips ahoy double chocolate chewy ummmm goood
21:16 - really i mean is mcmahon trying to be this irritating???? he's starting to stroke a certain wrestler's (initials: SM) shorts...
31:02 - great reaction to bret's piledriver..fantastic match
32:51 - big high spot from shawn - almost as high as I am...harharhar....
41:16 - both guys have been great the cookies were favulous thank you very much
So, I got wrapped up in it, probably too high or something and just watched the rest of the match and didn't write to the blog. It was great stuff. It was awesome at the end and they had the crowd, baby, they had the crowd...2 of my favs at their peak (or close to it!) There's so much drama between these two!!!
So, I got wrapped up in it, probably too high or something and just watched the rest of the match and didn't write to the blog. It was great stuff. It was awesome at the end and they had the crowd, baby, they had the crowd...2 of my favs at their peak (or close to it!) There's so much drama between these two!!!
Read both their books, and Bret's the better of the two. Shawn's was a bit thin...Bret was detail central and it was a great read. What a fucking family...lifestyle...incredible!
Over and out Gorilla!
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