Tuesday, September 09, 2008

YouTube: Classic Kinks 1972!!!

I just finished listening to Arthur (1969) by The Kinks, and it's got me feeling somewhat kinky. I searched youtube and found this awesome clip of The Kinks doing "Waterloo Sunset" and "Village Green Preservation Society" from the Rainbow Theatre in London, 1972. Fantastic stuff!! Thanks a million PranksterPrairie!!!



Senor Dude said...

Brilliant...! KINKS and Crimson. I have a cassette tape of the first Uncles recording session. I played it for my kids today. Declan my 8 year old said, You were in a band! I appologise for anything I said or did to embarrass or hurt you in any way. I have the Uncles - Kill Morrissy - Master DAT. How can I get you a copy? I love You, Man! Please forgive me for being a drunken, selfish, and distant Dude. I have just past three years in the program. Loving life and family. Haida Gwaii looks amazing. Peace Out.
jk. ps. I dont have your email.

Harvey Dog said...

Great to hear from you! Congrats on your success in the program! No probs dude...I had my fair share of "moments" as well! All part of life.

Playing the Uncles for Declan proves it once and for all. The Hated Uncles played children's music!

I don't have a copy of that first recording. You know how it was: "Sure you can borrow my only copy of our first recording"...Did I ever see her again? It'd be nice to get all on cd...or digital. I have some old Uncles live stuff...on cassette (which I don't even have).

My email is johnjharvey at hotmail.


P.S. Haida Gwaii is pretty amazing...on so many different levels dude...I'm lucky Tammy got a job out here. What an experience!

Hope all is well with you and the family.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)