Friday, July 17, 2009

Summertime: too hot for blogs

The weather has been so great here on Haida Gwaii the past couple of months, that the blog is taking a back seat to...ya know --- life, I guess.

Got back from taking a bunch of clients on a camping trip to Mount Moresby, which went well. Everyone made it back safe and sound, which to me, made it a very successful trip!

Forthcoming blogs will include:
Listening response and thoughts on Jandek's "Newcastle Sunday" and "Hasselt Saturday". Thanks to Big Bruce!
I'm thinking a bit more krautrock...maybe a page (1/2 done) on Satin Whale - and others.
And whatever the hell I feel like writing about. I've gone back to writing and doodling in a notebook, and I didn't think I'd go back to such a quaint format! Lots of fun!!

It's too hot today! Get outside!!