Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Hallowe'en!!! Boo!!!!!!

Bones Ellington gets on down...baybay
I'm scaring my mind by listening to John Cale's "Dream Interpretation" 1965-1967 (2002). You can follow the drone of the viola and let it take you to the dark places in your broken cranium.



Here's the classic "Time Warp" from Rocky Horror - a movie I still haven't seen all the way through...but, I've always loved this song and video. thanks nawty


Dead Body Outside Your Door

a dead body outside your door

a picture from an old war photo
the blood clean and dry
a perfect shot through the brain
the corpse remains still and serene
peaceful and thoughtful like religion

a dead body outside your door

neighbours stare and point and whisper
discussing the clay at an art exhibit
little children laugh in horror
something to discuss years from now
nothing exquisite like a car crash

a dead body outside your door

by John Harvey

Monday, October 29, 2007

I'm all lost at the supermarket!!!

oh the poor cashier!!!
Cashier Blues

working at the supermarket
no no no old man
i won't cut your precious stock
with this very
sharp knife...

standing at the till
back breaking
knee is going
and the old man
won't listen
why won't he listen?
he just berates
and berates
and berates
an endless stream
of profanity

scream scream scream little harvey
let the pain out
give the negativity
an enema

all is good
all is fine
sweet as wine
..for the 1st hour...
7 hours to go
and that little
ball of soreness
starts to build
inside the back
rolling through the body
from the back to
the knees
the knees to the shoulder
and everything
in between

scream scream scream little harvey
there's something
on the other side
there's a better way
there's got to be a
better way
to stop breaking down

bye bye old man
bye bye
you can kiss my ass
I'm kissing the cashier blues

pray for the cashiers
The Story of the Old Man in charge of the supermarket

I got a job at the grocery store...unemployment has flown away out of my reach...the customers were really friendly and talkative, and that part was all good...but, standing at the till not meant for someone 6'4" with a back injury isn't very healthy. After 2 days working at the store, I could barely move yesterday. Today, I'm marginally better, and was able to get out for a walk...but, physically, it just ain't happening. If I could work in shipping & receiving that would be cool, but I doubt it. They already have people for that...and they haven't called back anyway. Here's another angle to the story: [aside: and hopefully something to laugh about when a new job appears] the store owner is a miserable old bastard.

My 2nd day, I go in, and he tells me to put the pop away. Hey, probs dude...I tell him a case was behind the skid and open with a couple of empty cans in it...well, you would have thought I told him that Lou Dobbs was going to be the next president of the USA!!! The expletives just started rolling off his, as anyone who reads this blog knows, I sure don't have problems with "swearing", but this was something different [aside: now that I think about it...maybe he's bi-polar] was...uncomfortable...unsettling...and it just kept on and on while I put the pop away...then he started about the last person who put the pop away, and how the fucking bastards don't fucking know anything and they're all assholes and I hate their fucking guts and I'm sick of the goddamned shit of these sons of bitches...It was a real downer...and I ain't exaggerating!

Later, I'm at the till and a lady changed her mind about purchasing an item...she was really nice, and it should be no problem...the experienced cashier is gone for lunch, so I figure...hit the escape button twice, but it won't let me. It will only reverse the last item. So, I rescan the correct, that item is cool, I just have to reverse the 2nd last item. Being a computer person, I look at the keyboard and see a button that says "return"! So, I hit the button, and it says the next item will be returned. Voila! So, I scan the item to return and it adds it to the didn't return it all! So, I see the old man, and go and tell him the problem...well, I mean I tried to tell him the problem, but he starts harassing me and doesn't listen at all...the lineup is getting longer and I keep trying to explain it to him (it ain't that complex) but he refuses to listen and starts yelling at me...well, fuck him! Finally, I get it through the bastard's head, and you just have to do an "amount tendered" at the bottom of the receipt...after that though relations are somewhat cool between us, since I was stubborn about getting it through his head and didn't back down.

He later tells me that a receipt was missing and that really pisses him off and if he loses money that's when he gets really angry...WOW!! I'd like to see this guy really angry!!! Of course he's bitching about his money to staff that he's paying $10 an hour. I almost said (but held back...I did a lot of holding back that day) well, you ain't losing money paying wages to the staff.

As we were closing the other cashier was putting up boards to cover the frozen stuff, so I helped her...he comes out and says: "what are you doing?", she says: "being nice and helping out." He starts bitching and says "well, if you're going to goddamned do it, do it fucking right...mutter mutter..." I'm standing there listening to this shit, while the back is screaming in pain...he never did say what was wrong with the way the boards were put up anyway.

To the very last minute he was bitching: I was getting into my car and he asked: "Did you park here all day?" I said yeh..."well, we don't allow employees to park on the goddamned lot." "Where do we park?" He waves disgustedly at the street and mutters: "Over there, on the goddamned street." I just quietly get into the car in disbelief. It's not like anyone told me.

These are only a few of the incidents of this clown...there were a few more, but these ones really stood out. Nothing like being totally bitched out as you're screaming in pain, and have busted your ass...oh breaks....1 hour unpaid lunch...I would think this is illegal in the province, but who knows?

Actually, I could ignore this guy, but the pain in the back is too much for being a cashier [aside: I admire the tenacity of these cashiers that do this for a living]. He's the icing on the pain cake.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Musical A-Ha's - Robert Wyatt, Birthday Party, Swell Maps, HP Lovecraft and Six Organs of Admittance!!

Robert Wyatt wonders what took me so long
There's nothing like those musical a-ha' know, the "wow, that was better than I thought" or " that's what these guys are like. Cool"

I've been lucky and have had a few recently.

Musical Surprises

Robert Wyatt: Nothing Can Stop Us (1982) I have a few of Robert's cds as well as his work with Soft Machine, and have always enjoyed him, but always felt something was lacking for me...I always felt I was missing something. Then I put this cd on, and while listening to it, I found myself transfixed by it. My mood and the mood of the cd were in perfect sync. A-ha!! I thought to myself, I think I've got it!! For the first time, I absolutely loved his work without thinking: yeh, it doesn't quite hit me - but it's good for me!! Now, I'm finally ready to delve into his work with enthusiasm...

The Birthday Party: Prayers on Fire (1981) I'm a Nick Cave fan. I have loved many of his cds, and have "got" him. When I finally picked up this highly rated cd from his early band, I could hardly wait. Then I put it on, and for some reason it didn't hit me. I kept looking to see if it was over...was it my mood? Then, I decided to give it another try, and I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me the first time. It's brilliant! harsh, discordant, passionate...great great stuff. Now I need to get more of The Birthday Party!!!

Swell Maps: Trip to Marineville (1979) This is one of those cds I got a couple of years ago from my friend Randy, and it got lost in the shuffle. I remember listening to it...but couldn't remember anything about it! It was time to give it another try. When I saw it was from 1979...that surprised me. I thought they were from the 90s. I'm so ignorant sometimes! Then I put it on, and it immediately grabbed me by the collar and shook me around! This was awesome punky rock with experimental tendencies...I loved it!! Now, I'll have to listen to the other Swell Maps Randy gave me - "Jane From Occupied Europe". Thanks dude!

H.P. Lovecraft: II (1968) I love late 60s psych...maybe I'm dated myself, but I find this time period of music to be exciting, catchy, sometimes ridiculous, but always entertaining. This is another one I listened to, but couldn't remember anything about it - of course, I think I listened to it at work, which isn't always the best way to listen to music...too many work. When I put this on, the thing that struck me was the excellent singing. The music was tight and catchy and it represented everything I love about this time period of music. Loads of fun...

Six Organs of Admittance: Dark Noontide (2002) I knew I already liked this baby, but when I put it on again, I forgot how truly beautiful it is. It's a classic "album" in that it sets the mood and flows from one crest to another. Definitely need some more of the Six Organs!!

What am I listening to right now? The Beach Boys: Good Vibrations - 30 years of The Beach Boys - disc 3 - and this is also truly beautiful. There's a well-worn weariness during this time period of The Beach Boys, that makes me enjoy it more than the early stuff. No matter how much you hate Mike Love (and you'd have plenty of reasons to!), and how irritating his stage presence is, don't let that deter you. It's worthwhile to at least get a greatest hits of them. I picked up the box set for $40 back in Ontario a few years ago...well worth it!

Here's The Birthday Party doing "Junkyard" on German TV circa 1981/1982 - I'm guessing. awesome, intense, unsettling...fantastic shit!!!! thanks WhiskeyBucket




Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Fifth Estate: The Denial Machine - great doc on the politics of the environment

The political Harvey Dog marches on. I watched a fantastic doc on The Fifth Estate - an incredible news information series on the CBC - about the politics of denial about global warming.

I cannot fathom the evil of people who out and out lie for their own profit. It is so obvious - just look at Dr. Fucking Singer's face when questioned about where his funds come from. Lies! Oh, I don't know where they come from...LIES!!! This is the same clown who the tobacco companies paid to refute the science of second hand smoke. This "doctor" [not medical] is selling his soul for a profit. Un-fucking-believable. And the people at Exxon, who are willing to destroy the fucking planet, for a fucking profit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These are modern day demons who have an incredible grip on our lives and future.

Sometimes, I'm at a total loss in how to deal with this absolute evil. The power they have...I think we know who controls white house environmental policy...and unfortunately, with our current government, Canada as well. The scientific community overwhelmingly recognize that humans are causing global warming, yet politics and money are still in blissful denial.

Oh well...judge for yourself.
Click here to check out The Fifth Estate's web about this story. Here's the 1st part on youtube. There are 4 parts altogether. thanks zenblkboi


Poetry: untitled nightmare #1

untitled nightmare #1

dip your toes into the water
come on...just a little
it won’t hurt
...I promise

the words change
into human and animal form
a caricature of evil

come on
jump in
answer the door
you fucking idiot!!

I pull myself off the couch
and take in my surroundings…
my head is heavy
and my body is
weighing me down.

the ringing of the
to the sound of alarms
alarms all around
alarms on the street
alarms are pounding
inside my head the nurse takes my temperature

there there
the doctor will see you in a bit
don’t be afraid

…but I am terrified

one doctor walks in
then a second
then a third
before I know it
I am surrounded
by men in masks
with very sharp instruments
gleaming in the
surgical light

I scream an alarm bell
but no sound escapes
from my mouth
…I scream silently
as the masked men
start putting memories
from my past
into my gaping mouth

I start to drool,
and roll over
to turn off the alarm
ringing beside my bed…

I shake my head
come on
get it together
it’s alright
I’ll be fine

I put my feet on the floor
which quickly changes to quicksand
and I fall
I fall
I fall
into the eternity of my nightmares…

A creepy video to warm you up for hallowe'en!!

Hallowe'en is a fav time for me. Here's a creepy, bizarre, fucked-up video to get you in the mood. thanks ac101


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A rambling rant about mary-jane after watching "The Prince of Pot" on CBC

Why indeed!!
I just finished watching "The Prince of Pot" on CBC's The Lens, [aside: anonymous very kindly included a link to the doc in the here to get to the first part.] and watching it made me furious. I'm sick and tired of these fucking public officials (especially the DEA from the US, but also the RCMP) going on against drugs with zero tolerance, and whenever a question becomes too awkward for them, they ALWAYS, and I mean fucking always go back to the dangers to the precious children.


It's a shame that our society is so fucking great that people feel the need to get drunk, get stoned, get fucked-up....yet, no public official will try to comprehend why that is.


Why is our society riddled with addictions? addiction to alcohol...pot...crack...cigarettes....meth...

I don't fucking know, but I do know that it is. I have struggled with addiction ever since pounding back that 6 pack [aside: Brador 6%] in grade 10. After years and years of struggle with alcohol, I finally have control (as of now) of that addiction. Cigarettes? Quit them 5 years ago. To me, cigarettes were tied in with the alcohol. Pot? I still struggle with smoking too much, but when I don't have it, I occassionally find my mind wandering to the beer. Sometimes, you just need something...something to take the mind away from the regular bullshit of life (you know...being in debt...trying to find a job...coping with assholes...dealing with depression).

Obviously, it would be better if we exercised, went on trips, and did great things in our spare time instead of these addictions, but we as humans have weaknesses and don't always do the "perfect" thing.

Unfortunately, I can't have just 2 or 3 beers. I would drink until I crashed, and usually get incredibly angry as the night went on...alcohol increases the anger within or the absolute desperation to convince yourself you're having a good any cost. With pot...well, I would smoke too much, but I wouldn't be hungover the next day, and would be able to go on a hike or a field trip. It also doesn't increase the violence within or that sad desperation. Giving up the booze meant that I wasted fewer days stuck inside working off a hangover (which get worse the older you get).

Now...what the fuck am I trying to say? I'm saying many of us struggle with addictions, and sometimes if you can find the addiction that causes you the less personal damage, you should stick with and try to control that addiction. Instead, I have to try to find a dealer, worry about driving with it (I mean having it in the car...not driving high) and get paranoid about the fucking cops. And if I can't find any pot, then I start thinking about the booze, which has caused me great personal damage.

Then I see these fucking assholes in governement go on about how it hurts the children. If your fucking society was so fucking great, why do people (including children) feel the need to alter their state of mind? Because your society is boring. Your schools are boring (I was incredibly bored during challenge, no makes learning an absolute bore, when the gift of learning is anything but boring!!!), work is boring for most people (if it isn't count yourself blessed), television is boring, politics is boring, mainstream music and movies are what do people do to alleviate that boredom? They get fucked-up, man!!!

I'm dry right now, and do you know how dull it is to work on a resume when you're straight? Pretty fucking dull. At least if I got high I could crank up the tunes, and boogie along dancing with The Bah. I find when I don't have pot, it really makes no difference in how much I accomplish. There doesn't seem to be a there goes the argument that pot just makes you lazy and do fucking difference.

Let's talk about depression...[aside: hey, I know I'm rambling, but I'm straight, and too bored to go back and tighten this baby's a rant anyhow]. Pot is certainly no cure for depression, but it can help glide you through some tough times, and it's way better than the booze! Instead of getting riled up with booze, you can smile peacefully with a joint in your hand.


I know pot isn't for everybody. In fact, I've known a couple of people who should NOT smoke pot. I also know many more people who should NOT drink. Does pot lead to harder drugs? No, I believe it has nothing to do with pot...pot is just a stopgap until that person hits their addiction problem. You don't see too many people down and out in the streets because of their pot addiction. It's the hard drugs that are crippling those people. Have I tried harder drugs? Yep, but ironically when I was a drinker, not a druggie. Drinking brings out desperation, pot calms that desperation.

I guess in a perfect world we wouldn't need any kind of escape...but, even then, deep thinkers in the past have wanted to test the limits of their perceptive powers, and many times that would include harder drugs...shamans and their peyote & opium, writers with their absinthe...many brilliant and creative minds have desired to alter their state of mind. Push the limits. Sometimes the results may be disastorous, but so what? I mean, we're all going to die, why not push things a bit? At least they're fucking trying!!

OK...I haven't talked about the precious children much...the big argument the DEA and righteous assholes constantly bring up. As for myself, I was a "good" student, and started drinking in grade 10. Pretty much every weekend involved getting drunk. I smoked pot for the first time in grade 11...I loved it, but was more of a drinker...drinking helped me overcome my natural shyness and reclusiveness and allowed me to socialize and become "popular" (hahahaha...if I only knew then what I know now), while ignoring a depression that was getting out of control. When I quit drinking, the depression came flowing out BUT (and this is for all my fair-weathered friends who were disappointed in my decision to quit drinking) it allowed me to finally deal with it...and work on doing something about it...something I'm still working on to this day, and will for the rest of my life.

Oh, the fucking kids...well, your precious children are going to want to experiment (and if they don't, what's wrong with them?) and I think it's much better to be honest with them, about the effects of alcohol...the effects of pot...the effects of the hard honest with them, cause when they take that toke and feel great, they're just going to think you're a fucking squarehead and worse...a liar. That includes sex too...why pretend sex isn't great? You fucking hypocrites!

When the DEA jerks start in with "their is no difference between soft and hard drugs"...well, they're liars! They're assholes and the last people on earth I would want to be involved in raising the children. Why do we lie so much to children? Are they trying to brainwash the kids into being "acceptable" members of this society? By lies??? [aside: Isn't that what they accuse their "many" enemies of? And those enemies are full of shit too!!] Yet, they don't seem to consider alcohol a drug!?!? I guess the companies making that alcohol have "good friends" up high...if you know what I money money yeh yeh...

In regards to the documentary, "The Prince of Pot", there is no doubt that Marc Emery is some kind of egotistical martyr...maybe an asshole, maybe a nice guy...I don't know BUT he's not lying about this issue, and at least has the guts to be that martyr. The US has spent almost a trillion fucking dollars in the anti-drug campaign (amount taken from the source, but let's face it, it's an astronomical amount) and they deal with it by aggression and punishment...and look how well that has's a joke! If they put that money towards education, cleaning up the slums, you know, maybe spread some of that wealth around...maybe they would have less serious problems.

And are the DEA and RCMP in cahoots with the bikers???? I've heard this (no facts, but from someone who may have a clue): the RCMP don't want to legalize pot, because the boys make too much money in overtime trying to put out the grow-ops out of business, which they know damn well won't happen. One goes down, one goes up....keep the money coming in, hand in hand...

um...the RCMP make money, the boys on the bikes make money...curious, indeed.

This was a great doc, which I'm sure many on the anti-drug side will say was too pro-emery, pro-pot, but then again Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck, Hannity & Colmes get hours of tv time a night spouting out their hatred for anything not american and apple pie. Give it up boys, let's lean towards tolerance and education. Not repression and hatred and aggression and anti-everything! [aside: wild fact - 1/4 of the world's prisoners are in the USA] [2nd quick aside: ever notice how humourless these righteous anti-pot people are??? They seem like very unhappy people...they're the ones who really need a toke...but they probably get drunk instead]

This rambling rant is over.

If you missed it, it's on again Saturday October 27th at 11 pm ET/ 8 pm PT on the CBC. Please Canada, I love ya, and don't give in to the DEA. Show some balls and don't extradite Marc Emery.

Now, if I could only find a supplier...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Iggy Pop: Live in San Fran 1981 DVD - thoughts

Iggy with his cool hat in SF 1981...from the video
Just finished watching Iggy Pop: Live in San Fran 1981 and here's some thoughts and shit about it.

The Igster is looking very punk'n'roll in his very cool leather hat and jacket...and garters!

Lots of songs from the dire "Party" album...all sound better live.

Clem Burke is a fucking drumming maniac...he sounds awesome.

The crowd's bunched in tightly at the front, but overall stay relatively calm. No hardcore slam dancing or stuff. As Iggy says at the end: "Thank've been pleasant."

"Dum Dum Boys" is my fav performance on this. Iggy seems more into this one. It's almost as if he's trying to channel the energy of the dum dum boys.

Iggy looks as if he's going to occasionally nod off throughout, but he manages to pull himself back into some rock'n'roll energy...usually by going near Clem Burke and getting into his banging the shit out of the drums.

Strange to see Carlos Alomar here. He seems to be having a good time, and sounds pretty good.

Iggy actually stays on the stage throughout the duration of the show!!! If this is the whole show it was pretty short. Around 50 minutes (including encores).

"Rock & Roll Party" sounds much better live. So did "I Need More".

This was near the end of the 1981 tour, so Iggy seems pretty exhausted (and also in a bit of a bad mood...but not in an exciting way). At 34 I'm sure the booze and drugs were starting to wipe him out. I know when I was 34, that was when the booze was starting to wear on me...and I certainly wasn't at Iggy's level of addictions!

Iggy seemed totally bored by "Lust for Life".

It was fascinating watching Iggy trying to get into could tell he means it, man, but he was at the age where the energy seemed to be sapping out of him. After reading his bio, this was a time when he was hitting the bottle pretty hard...and who knows what else! At 34 it's going to catch up to you. Thankfully, he worked through his addictions and retrieved some of that lost energy.

Summary: Iggy always fascinates me, and this was worth the $6 I paid for it. I wouldn't pay more than $10-15 for it, unless you're an Iggy completist. It's nice to have this footage, and the band is pretty rocking and it is neat to see Iggy in a bar atmosphere. Where did this show take place? I mean besides San times I thought it was outdoors because you could see Iggy's breath every so often, and I could have sworn I saw insects flying around the stage...but, other than that it seemed to be in a bar, and there was no other indication it was outdoors. Weird.

Watching the trailer of Iggy & The Stooges Live in Detroit from 2005, was a revelation. At 58, Iggy was way more into it, and the energy level was much higher! Even though I slagged "The Weirdness" , there's no doubt that Iggy & The Stooges still have it live! In fact here's Iggy & The Stooges from 04/17/2007 at the Fillmore in Denver doing a great version of "I Wanna Be Your Dog". thanks eddieroot.


Saturday, October 20, 2007

Top 100 Canadian Albums --- roundtable discussion

Bob Mersereau has compiled a list of the Top 100 Canadian albums by asking over 600 critics, djs and musicians to submit their 10 fav Canadian albums of all-time. So I asked my friends Randy Rockhead, Clara Countrified and Nathan Newshit for their opinions on the list - since lists are a blast. Click here to get to Bob's blog, and here to get to the list.

Neil Young circa 1971
Me: Welcome Randy, Clara and Nathan to our discussion of Canada's Top 100 albums...of all-time, dudes!!!

Countrified: It's nice to see Neil's Harvest made #1, but other than that it's like country music in Canada doesn't exist.
Rockhead: It doesn't.
Me: Now be nice.
Newshit: Obviously this list was done by a bunch of old shits who can't comprehend anything new!
Me: ok, ok...let's start with the top 10. Any surprises?
Rockhead: I could think of 20 albums by Neil that are better than the so-so "Harvest"...and Joni's over-rated.
Newshit: No Rockhead - they're just old.
Me: I'm glad The Guess Who snuck into the top 10.
Rockhead: What the fuck are The Arcade Fire doing there??? I like Pursuit of Happiness better!!
Me: I agree dude.
Newshit: A little too new for you guys?
Rockhead: No dipshit, just a little too lame for me.
Countrified: I'm bumming...where's Terri Clark? Why's Shania so low on the list - isn't it one of the biggest selling albums of all-time?
Me: Sales have nothing to do with it.
Countrified: That's stupid.
Rockhead: I like "Up to Here" [#15] much better than "Fully Completely" [#5] which is where I think The Hip - who I like - started to repeat themselves.
Newshit: You know there's only 1 album from the 21st century that actually made the top 20.
Me: Yes, that is true. Maybe albums take some time to simmer before we can really determine if it's an all-time classic.
Newshit: No, I think there probably wasn't anyone under 25 who was asked to vote.
Me: I'm not sure Newshit.
Rockhead: Who really likes or listens to Bryan Adams anyway. [note: #12 - "Reckless"]
Me: Hey - let's hear what you guys would choose as #1.
Rockhead: I accept Neil - but, I would choose "Tonight's the Night" [note: #30] or "Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere" [note: #16]
Countrified: I'll accept Harvest - hey, why's there no Anne Murray?? I love that Snowbird song!
Newshit: I think "Funeral" should have been #1. It's certainly the most relevant Canadian album on the music scene today. Just ask Bowie, David Byrne and Rufus Wainwright.
Me: I would have picked Neil - but, I'd go for a comprehensive overview of his classic period. So, I'd choose "Decade". [note: #31]. Hey - no Headstones! Or Forgotten Rebels!! Opinions?
Rockhead: Yes, Headstones "Picture of Health" or "Teeth and Tissue" should have been there.
Countrified: Who?
Newshit: Yep - you see? No Headstones. Probably a little too new for wheelchair bound critics.
Me: Harsh...
Rockhead: At least Celine and Avril didn't make it.
Newshit: Now, I don't like Avril or Celine myself, but that just seems snobby not to include them.
Countrified: I'm glad Stompin' Tom made it. [note: #82] No Paul Brandt either. Where's Scotty Campbell?
Me: Apparently there's no jazz in this country except for Oscar Peterson. [note: #45]
Rockhead: Praise the Lord!!
Countrified: Oh, I see Stan Rogers made it. [note: #54] That's nice.
Rockhead: You know, I think these lists should be separated into particular genres.
Countrified: Not a bad idea. How can you compare Shania with Rush?
Me: I think part of the fun is seeing what genres are emphasized and which are ignored. There's only 1 classical album on the list. [note: Glenn Gould #53] This tells you which genres are popular and which aren't. If you're an experimental musician, this list could be disheartening. Or a jazz or classical musician.
Newshit: I think lists like this just tell you how old the critics are.
Me: Well, they did ask djs and musicians as well. Probably as good a representation as you could get.
Rockhead: How about asking the fans?
Me: But then you'll most likely get albums based on sales.
Countrified: If more people like an album...doesn't that make it a better album. I mean, if an album doesn't sell, how good can it be?
Rockhead: Promotion baby, promotion.
Me: True. Then it becomes which record label has the most money.
Newshit: Don't forget reputation...
Me: Hey, lists are fun. You can't take it seriously, or base your listening pleasures on a list. I use lists as a way to explore new or unfamiliar artists. I see Roy Hynes [#94], Thrush Hermit [#85], Harmonium [#77, #56 & #49] and The Weakerthans [#75] as musicians to further explore. Especially could they pass underneath my radar?
Newshit: I say it's a way to explore old musicians, but there ain't a lot of new ones here to explore.
Rockhead: Hey - not true. How about The Constantine's. I've seen em live and they rocked. Now I'm reminded of them and should look into their albums.
Countrified: I'd like to see an all Canadian country list. Too much "rock" bias in the press.
Rockhead: Most of what the press likes ain't rock sweetheart.
Newshit: And it sure ain't new, either.
Me: Now, let's stop the press bashing. I think this list was really cool and Bob Mersereau deserves credit for getting us discussing great Canadian music - more fun than talking about current "issues" or politics.
Rockhead: Amen, brother.
Me: Harvey Dog signing off. Check out Bob's book - at least check out his blog. Good night, Canada, wherever you are.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Teacher-on-Call getting high to Can, dreaming of 4 tracks, and a bunch of recent listens

the amazing mr. harvey teaches the brats!!!
Teacher-on-Call?? But I hate kids!!! Well, I guess I don't hate kids as much as I thought.

I've been called in a couple more times for subbing and it's not bad...which puzzles me, because I thought it would be something that would drive me around the bend. Thanks to my friend Dave in China who gave me some great advice, I'm handling it really well. He told me to talk to them like I talked to him as we were getting high. Bingo!!!! More relaxed, more humour, don't let the bad apples ruin your stone (or $150/day!!!!) and just look at it all as another job. Hell, the kids are my co-workers and I've dealt with lousy co-workers all my life [aside: who hasn't!?].

I guess after a couple of breakdowns and jobs that have included putting fucking caps on fucking aerosol cans for 10 hours standing on a concrete floor makes it all seem alright. I mean...who gives a shit?! It's a job and I've had worse jobs (especially after returning to school...go figger...)

But I tell ya...I wish I could harness the energy of grade 8's in phys-ed at the end of the day, and put all that energy into doing creative things. I'd have a few books done, have some art hanging in galleries, have a few cds out, be a virtuoso harmonica player and be in great fucking shape.

One of life's cruel ironies: Losing that zestful energy as you get older and could really use it to accomplish specific things. (At least for me)

Can: Canobits 1968-1977 - a 4 cd boot I found on the net that includes rare stuff from different phases of their career. I'm on cd2 and the 35 minute "Tagothrowaway" with Damo wailing away and Karoli also wailing on guitar sums up why I love these guys so much. Experimental with real instruments and a foot in the camp of rock and a foot in the camp of avante-garde...if I had to do it all no NO NO fuck NO!!! Don't look back Bobby D said and Bobby D was correct.

One of the (many) reasons why I want that FT job is so I can afford to get a 4 track set up on my computer and to start doing...weird things...honest things...learning harmonica is a blast (and I'm way in the beginner stage), I want a guitar, some percussion shit...I've got my words...I'm continually learning how to use my, this sounds sooooo good to me...

then I can go on myspace and get friends...hahahahaha....hello Mr. Murdoch....

Anyhow, Can are amazing and no one jams like these me they blow everyone away when it comes to jamming...
my head is there
im the guy in the corner
a joint in my hand
nodding my head
getting lost in the
waves of music
floating through the air
nurse with wound live amongst the lights
Recent Listening and Brief Commentary

Nurse with Wound: Chance Meeting on a Dissecting Table (1979) wow!!! industrial krautrock for industrialized surgery...wild and awesome...

Lindsey Buckingham: Under the Skin (2006) blah...obviously there's some nice guitar playing but no song captured me and his voice seemed to drain energy away from the songs...2 1/2 stars for the ex-mac in his mansion on the hill...

Soundtrack of Our Lives: Behind the Music (2001) I remember digging "sister surround" on the radio when it came out and this is a good cd...nice melting pot of beatles pop and pink floyd psych...some excellent stuff, but one of those curses of the cd age...a little too long...cut it down to 10 songs 20 minutes a side and you could have a real classic...instead it loses steam after "21st century rip-off"...3 1/2 stars for some great tunes...

Beggar's Opera: Act One (1970) cool cover, but a bit too proggy for me...if you're a proghead though, check it out...not bad...

Erna Schmidt: Live 69-71 (2000) man, i tell ya, i search the net and keep finding out about these amazing obscure krautrock bands...this is fantastic!!!! almost zappa like in its jazz rock fusion intensity with some tull flute thrown in and an overall excellence of playing and material...all instrumental and all great!!! who the hell were these guys???

Guess Who: It's Time (1966) yep...early guess who with chad allen still around but burton c starting to take over...this is great early canadian garage rock and highly a guess who softie and growing up they were one of my fav bands, and i still like listening to them...even if burton c can be irritating in some of his vocal mannerisms (not his voice though, which is fantastic)...

Graham Parker: Don't Tell Columbus (2007) and Richard Thompson: Sweet Warrior (2007) 2 old pros still putting out good consistent stuff...nothing experimental or wild, just solid shit from 2 pros who know their craft...the guru really enjoyed seeing rt live a few weeks ago (damn...i wish i was there!!!)...if you're a fan the new ones won't disappoint...

Daevid Allen: Now is the Happiest Time of Your Life (1977) mr gong gone solo...quirky different irreverent fun...the gong world is a fun strange place to enter and is highly recommended...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Back from a Haida holiday, Kraan and a couple of youtubes from The Kinks!!!

Back from my Haida holiday and had a good time...except for a lot of waiting around.

Got the old noggin scanned and hopefully there's nothing there...

BC Ferries...good times good times...
I've gone from Rupert to Haida Gwaii 3 times now (once here and a return this past weekend) and the ferries haven't left on time for any of them. And the patience of the people!? Well, it's obvious that most of them are old pros and know that the ferry is never on, why worry? If this happened in Ontario, elections could be won or lost on the issue. There would be write-in campaigns, firings, constant complaining...and not of the amused patient type, but the "Time is money, and I can't be wasting it waiting for the fucking ferry, and yadda yadda yadda..." type. This is one of the positives of living in BC than Ontario. They take their time...

Got a cabin for the trip back and it was all good...and it was fun hanging in the hotel room high and playing harmonica like a broken but defiant rock star...i came close to throwing the tv off the balcony!!! lots of fun

Prince Rupert tale:
so im lying on the bed resting high listening to tunes doing crosswords finishing the zevon bio and then i hear it the noise the laughter the sinister fucking laughter no no cackling is that a better description its hard to tell but it is not happy it is beyond good and into evil territory young laughter affected by drugs perhaps a potent cocktail leaving one in a overall state of hysteria not of the def leppard kind and i shiver i shake then the "noise" changes to yelling someone had the nerve to tell this kid? to stop me i could hardly look out the curtains i couldnt move i was frozen to the bed listening to the laughter of the mad the bad the evil the hysterical and then the noise turns to screaming a screamed fuck you fuck you filled with hatred and the hatred that makes him mad that he has to drug himself to numb himself from his life? himself? the noise starts to abate and i slowly rise from my 7th floor bed and peek over the balcony looking for the criminally insane the tortured the angry the hysterical i saw no one i saw no one

Kraan: Kraan (1972) Another great krautrock discovery!!! I feel so naive getting into all this great krautrock at such a late date in the game. This is great...lots of jazz influence and the 18 minute "Head" is fantastic.
music that grabs you and holds on to you keeping your attention
shaking your lapels
brushing your hair
flushing the toilet
great sax

Kraan in AllMusic
Kraan in ProgArchives
An awesome awesome Kinks video from the Soap Opera tour 1975 in New York at the Beacon...thanks marcoEsc

another one! from a Granada special called "Star Maker"done just before Soap Opera...The Kinks were a fantastic band and would in my top 10 list! thanks paris1919


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Sonic's Rendezvous Band: A Tribute


a sweat stained shitty bar out in the sticks...
no doors blocking the toilet...broken glass and vomit on the floor...
waitresses that'll get nowhere, young man...
a buzz of anticipation in the air...
you can feel the energy coursing through adolescent veins...
so much fucking energy!!!!!
you're sick of your life
and your place in it...
the things you're supposed to do and be
don't feel right...
you wait for that first jolt of electricity
that will bundle up your energy
and give you sweet fucking relief...

...and then you drink 22 beers until you just get silly...

but that first jolt of electricity, man,
can you feel it!!!
that's a feeling worth recapturing
every now and then...
energy, anticipation...sweet release!!!

Listening to Sonic's Rendezvous Band: Sweet Nothing (1998) captures that feeling of energy and release...from a live show April 4, 1978 in their hometown of Ann Arbor, Michigan..."Dangerous" starts out with an energy're in a bar and the electricity blasting through speakers...head embedded with a wall of electric noise...setting the soul free from the bullshit of life a core of purity in a dirty rock'n'roll kind of the best live albums, I wish I was there half out of my mind head in speakers blowing out brain cells like a heavy axe chop chop chop chopping my brains out and loving that moment in time a snapshot a camera lens burning into your head..."Getting There Is Half the Fun" is like the best heavy metal, runs galloping through everything put in front of it..."Heart of Stone" is a great cover, heavy and loud..."Sweet Nothing" is an instant classic and the sweat is pouring down your body stinking and your private world seems not so bad..."City Slang" rocks you one final time until your soul is screaming in a frenzy: "yeh, this is it, this is fucking it, can you feel it??? can you fucking feel it????????" and then you pass out with ears buzzing loud and you smile, satisfied, that this is it, this is fucking it!
Sonic's Rendezvous Band doing "City Slang"...beyond awesome! thanks marla141


photo by Sue here.