Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Fifth Estate: The Denial Machine - great doc on the politics of the environment

The political Harvey Dog marches on. I watched a fantastic doc on The Fifth Estate - an incredible news information series on the CBC - about the politics of denial about global warming.

I cannot fathom the evil of people who out and out lie for their own profit. It is so obvious - just look at Dr. Fucking Singer's face when questioned about where his funds come from. Lies! Oh, I don't know where they come from...LIES!!! This is the same clown who the tobacco companies paid to refute the science of second hand smoke. This "doctor" [not medical] is selling his soul for a profit. Un-fucking-believable. And the people at Exxon, who are willing to destroy the fucking planet, for a fucking profit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These are modern day demons who have an incredible grip on our lives and future.

Sometimes, I'm at a total loss in how to deal with this absolute evil. The power they have...I think we know who controls white house environmental policy...and unfortunately, with our current government, Canada as well. The scientific community overwhelmingly recognize that humans are causing global warming, yet politics and money are still in blissful denial.

Oh well...judge for yourself.
Click here to check out The Fifth Estate's web about this story. Here's the 1st part on youtube. There are 4 parts altogether. thanks zenblkboi


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