Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Words & thoughts on last 7 albums on my mp3 palyer: AMM, Makoto, Miles & Vangelis!!

The snow pounded the earth this morning here on Haida Gwaii, and is now caressing the concrete, and I sit here counting down the days, hours and minutes left on my holiday.

This ain't no fucking way to live!

Thinking about
of the past
hated and painful
trying to stir
a bubbling
that refuses to break through...
...but I must wait it out...

Racism is racism even if it is reactionary.
Hatred is hatred even if you think it's justified.
And love remains elusive...

Last 7 albums played on my trusty mp3 player...(a strange selection, and actually pretty mediocre)...just for the hell of it...

a) Prince: 1999 (1982) --- this was fun, and i've always been a (sometimes lacklustre) fan. some catchy tunes and some dirty funk. ***

b) Cressida: Asylum (1971) --- not fact, pretty interesting and I would give these guys another spin. They only released 2 albums in their career. Semi-progressive pastoral kind of music...I thought of Caravan while listening to them. ***1/2

c) AMM: The Crypt (1968) disc 2 --- well well well...experimentalism extreme...this kind of music has no melody, structure or much of anything...BUT...if you listen to it and let the sounds wash over your brain it can take you into a dream-like state that is as satisfying as any well constructed melodic song. Try'll probably hate it, but try's GOOD for you...
yeh, that's it...
try something different
break through the rehearsal of your life
and get on stage
before the play is over
and you're taking your final bow. *****

d) Miles Davis: Decoy (1984) miles back from his hiatus after making some of the deepest darkest funkiest electric music ever made in the 1st part of the 70s. of course, miles has a shit hot band, and its tight and somewhat funky, but it leaves me...indifferent...why listen to this when there's 50 official miles albums that are better, and probably hundreds of concerts online worth listening to before this...not awful, but "blah" recording. **

e) Vangelis: The Dragon (1971) this early vangelis was done shortly after his Aphrodite's Child don't expect chariots of fire or that kind of soundtrack stuff...i really enjoyed this...good prog rock, and i loved the heavy guitar workouts on the title track...i like aphrodite's child & this he worth exploring or does he eventually just go for the moolah by making ott soundtracks? i dunno...but this one is an easy ****

f) Early Works, vol. 9 - Kawabata Makoto (recorded 1981 released 2000) the acid mothers leader released his early works in 2000, and for amt fans it's a necessary listen. Very experimental - closer to Haino than AMT - and this particular disc was fantastic. 2 20 minute tracks that cuts some brain synapses while planting new The Crypt - very experimental but oh so fucking satisfying! *****

[aside: experimental??? what a stupid way to describe these brilliant works of musicians like AMM, Haino, Makoto --- but as shorthand to indicate that this kind of music is not normally played on commercial radio stations, and may be a new kind of music for the majority of the peeps out there, I guess, it'll have to do.]

g) Fillmore - It's A Beautiful Day (1968) a boot from the fillmore, this just didn't do it for me...nope...sorry...**

The sun is breaking through the clouds and the day seems to be warming up. Soon, it will be time to take the dog out for a walk and review my scattershot mind.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Still Alive and thinking about things...priorities, creativity, Psychedelic Archaeology!!!


other things have pushed the priority of my blog downwards...
still alive...and...

doing a massive overhaul of my music collection - everything but a mean, lean collection of 500 "real" cds and maybe 200 lps, will go on my external hard drive. Ya know how long this takes!?!? [aside: motherfucker!!!]
--- I don't need 1,000s of little circular coasters sticking out my butt ---

i allowed work to
consume me
eat me
digest me
which stopped the mind from creative asides
and ideas
and sent it to a smoky den of bafflegab

i am now taking a break from work and hoping this rejuvenates the dog inside the Harvey

i also had an application to work on so that maybe one day one fucking day i can get a job in the field of computers...0's and 1's...yeh, i can dig it...

don't always feel like writing about writing sometimes takes me to different places...if i keep the blog a going concern...time to change it up...again??? more creative writing??? more un-creative writing?????

and what's up with all the fucking spam in my Comments box??? I'm getting 1-2 each day. little music thing - I'm listening to Psychedelic Archaeology, vol. 1 and I'm loving the spaced out obscure, really obscure, poppy psychish songs that brings a smile to the lips - hard to believe this music scared the older generation at the much wonderful hidden music out there worthy of rediscovery - or at least worth a listen.

also busy with our little weekend visitor who brings lots of joy into the house, and certainly takes priority over a blog! Happy Easter Char!!!!

is there really a chance we'll all go back to ontario this summer??? or will i allow the fear of travelling eat me from inside until i can't move???? can we afford it?????????? i'm not sure i want to go back!!!
