Sunday, April 04, 2010

Still Alive and thinking about things...priorities, creativity, Psychedelic Archaeology!!!


other things have pushed the priority of my blog downwards...
still alive...and...

doing a massive overhaul of my music collection - everything but a mean, lean collection of 500 "real" cds and maybe 200 lps, will go on my external hard drive. Ya know how long this takes!?!? [aside: motherfucker!!!]
--- I don't need 1,000s of little circular coasters sticking out my butt ---

i allowed work to
consume me
eat me
digest me
which stopped the mind from creative asides
and ideas
and sent it to a smoky den of bafflegab

i am now taking a break from work and hoping this rejuvenates the dog inside the Harvey

i also had an application to work on so that maybe one day one fucking day i can get a job in the field of computers...0's and 1's...yeh, i can dig it...

don't always feel like writing about writing sometimes takes me to different places...if i keep the blog a going concern...time to change it up...again??? more creative writing??? more un-creative writing?????

and what's up with all the fucking spam in my Comments box??? I'm getting 1-2 each day. little music thing - I'm listening to Psychedelic Archaeology, vol. 1 and I'm loving the spaced out obscure, really obscure, poppy psychish songs that brings a smile to the lips - hard to believe this music scared the older generation at the much wonderful hidden music out there worthy of rediscovery - or at least worth a listen.

also busy with our little weekend visitor who brings lots of joy into the house, and certainly takes priority over a blog! Happy Easter Char!!!!

is there really a chance we'll all go back to ontario this summer??? or will i allow the fear of travelling eat me from inside until i can't move???? can we afford it?????????? i'm not sure i want to go back!!!



Tom V said...

Are you sure ontario wants you back?

Harvey Dog said...

who's ontario?