set the controls for the heart of the sun
avoid being blistered by the sun
don't forget
sea, sex and sun!!!
Captain Beefheart: Safe as Milk (1967) ***1/2
For years, I've had a lousy re-issue bastard called Captain Beefheart at His Best (1989), which deservedly received a slam from The Captain Beefheart Radar Station.
Lousy sound!!
Lousy mix and they dropped..."Dropout Boogie"!!!
The bastards!!!!
Praise the good Captain, the situation has been rectified and I am now in possession of a proper release of Safe as Milk...with bonus tracks!!!
Listening to early Cap is different...
straight r & b
NOT straight r & b...
still o d d
a young Captain?????????
with overt influences????????????????
Fav songs:
Electricity - breaks away from tradition and creates it's own
Yellow Brick Road - always found this really catchy...I've always wanted to go to OZ.
Call On Me - moves me...
Plastic Factory - hard rockin' precursor to "Hard Workin' Man"
Is this the place for a neophyte Beefheartian to start?
I started with Unconditionally Guaranteed (1974) in high school...liked it...didn't think it was that weird...
next got Trout Mask Replica (1969) and umm...
You could say that I thought it was weird...
I knew it was fucked!
I knew, I knew...it was worth working through...
not all classics are EASY.
So my answer would be ---- start with Clear Spot (1972) --- a little bit of everything, then go fishing for trouts!!!
Can: Flow Motion (1976) **1/2 Saw Delight (1977) ***
What to make of latter Can?
No Damo...No Malcolm...
I haven't listened to these that much...but from what I have, it's --- enjoyable.
Doesn't hit the peaks of days past.
Lower expectations, and let it silently
...wash over you.
Conclusion - inconclusion = pleasant if you're a fan...but start with Damo or Malcolm!!
[aside: I should add Soon Over Babaluma (1974) and Landed (1975) are pretty great, and are the first ones without Damo.]

Melt Banana: Cell-Scape (2003)
crazy crazy crazy
Closer to The Boredoms than Acid Mothers Temple
(And that can mean whatever you want it to mean!!!!).
This is my first Melt Banana and this is a group definitely to be explored.
after a ridiculous amount of sweat, they end the album with a 10 minute journey to the stratosphere.
Random Ramblings
What was the music you heard growing up? For me, my Dad was into jazz - mainly big band - lots of lps
[aside: including the classic Herb Alpert: "Whipped Cream" lp with that delicious cover!].
I love a LOT of jazz (Miles and Coltrane would be top 10 artists of all-time for me), but still can't get into big band shit...
With all the shit going on in the world today...where the fuck are today's punks???
Pere Ubu...
The first album I had of Ubu was Worlds in Collision (1991) which, you know...is good, catchy and a few songs are even great, BUT...it's not early Ubu.
Fortunately, Randy supplied a couple of early Pere Ubu albums, (as well as Rocket from the Tombs)
I have no idea why the fuck I never got into these guys in the late 70s...
Why does that happen?
You miss a band you really shouldn't have. [aside: I blame the booze!]
Hey, who cares? Just enjoy it today...I'm currently grooving to The Modern Dance (1978).
Betty Davis is funky as shit...check her out...
Do you know who wrote / performed the 3rd song referenced in my opening salvo?
I know the first 2 were easy...but didja get the last one?
Answers: Pink Floyd, Violent Femmes...Serge Gainsbourg.