Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Les Rallizes Denudes are awesome!! German Oak are better than John McCain having sex and other goodies!!

Les Rallizes Denudes: Mizutani 1970-1971 (1991) This is a motherfucking stone cold classic.
His singing is great...though I don't know what the fuck he's saying!!! The guitar is so melodic...yet discordant...yet powerful...

soft....emotions from bliss to hell....
psychedelic noise entering your ear drums and rat a tat tat the cells float around in your soup bowl cranium.
This is such an easy 5 *****.
Brilliant fucking stuff...listen to this band's work and you'll become a better person. I guarantee it!!! and i wasn't even on drugs listening to it!!!!
Here's a link to some info

Glory: A Meat Music Sampler (1969) From Houston, Texas comes an obscure classic. I love the feel of this one...

late night
dark and smokey
let the tape roll
capture the event... Wow!!! I just checked this out on Rate Your Music and it's been given a 1.86 for 7 reviews. Incredibly bad...bizarre dude!!! Maybe I'm out of my ever lovin' mind, but I really enjoyed this one. Hahahahaha I just pushed it up to 2.37!!!

Other Great Listens

Gila: Gila (1971) just starting to get into these guys...awesome shit.

German Oak: Niebelungenlied (1976) yeh yeh more krautrock as the world worries whether the ultra conservative John McCain (no matter what the republicans want you to believe!) fucked a lobbyist years ago or not. I mean...listening to rambling krautrock is more enjoyable than thinking about John McCain having sex....or not...

Sir Lord Baltimore: Kingdom Come (1970) Sir Lord Baltimore (1971) heavy early 70s primo stuff. most people like the 1st one best...I differ and prefer the 2nd...they're both pretty damn good, and if you like your Sabbath check these guys out.

Edgar Broughton Band: Edgar Broughton Band (1971) God...I love these guys!!!

My Solid Ground: My Solid Ground (1971) children can make some pretty fucking great music too!! The band leader was 17 at the time. This is great stuff and worth hearing. good going kids!!!

I signed my official "Letter of Offer" from Northern health and am officially a Life Skills Worker until October (when the guy comes back from paternity). I'm looking forward to it! The mentally ill have a lot to teach!!! And I'm fucking serious Kerouac!!!!!

Let's end with an absolutely awesome video of Les Rallizes Denudes from 1976 all hail dirk2222!!!



Senor Dude said...

So I says to the guy...
Whats with the pink flare and the gold disco ball?
Lovin' your blog...It brought back some old memories. Hope all is well. jk

Harvey Dog said...

Thanks JK!!!
Great to hear from you. Hope all is well with you.