Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Poetry: Enough! said the Clown with a Frown

the clown with a frown
is tired...
...a foreign sound

light a match
set me on fire
i want to burn
amongst the
smoke and flames

tired of rampant sexual abuse
we don't talk about that)
stealing a child's innocence
tired of racism
tired of denials
tired of governments
tossing band aids
at amputees
"hey, we did our best!"
so fucking proud
please stop
the cries are too loud

tired of a fake family
that doesn't exist
tired of the games we play
tired of fucking life skills
of the sadness i see

protect the abuser
silence the abused
it's the way it is
i'm just a whitey
an outsider
never an insider

the cops don't give a shit
the ministry don't give a shit
big fat pay cheques
keeps the silence
"stop fucking the children,
please, stop fucking the children..."

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