Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Daevid Allen doesn't like money while Clark Hutchinson want to get high!!!

Professor Allen makes the class dress up in...unusual ways!!
Daevid Allen's University of Errors: Money Doesn't Make It (1999)
I am continually exploring the world of Gong and Daevid Allen, and it's certainly...quite the world!! This album doesn't have the whimsy of the pothead pixie albums. It's very
hard and angry
Daevid sees the greed and motivation of the world, and he doesn't fucking like it! And I can't disagree...The band is young, motivated and tight.
With his work with Acid Mothers Gong and University of Errors, as well as reformations of Gong, Daevid Allen continues to be a force in the world of space, psychedelic rock...whatever the hell you call it, he's always interesting and worth investigating!

University of Errors home page.

Clark - Hutchinson: Retribution (1970) ****1/2
This is the 2nd of 3 albums released by Mick Hutchinson and Andy Clark from 1969 to 1971. Mick Hutchinson is one motherfucking awesome guitar player!!! All the albums are worth checking out and are quite different from each other, but all feature amazing playing. ["A=MH2" is instrumental and more spacey - "Gestalt" is tighter, more concise and more thoughtful] I haven't heard "Blues" yet, which was their first, but released years later. Let's look at "Retribution".

"Free to Be Stoned" starts off the album with you how they want the right to be stoned...cause everything turns out right...a little ridiculous I'll agree, but the music rocks away freely and starts to suck you in. This is my least fav on the record...and I'm a pothead!
"After Hours" is a jazz-rock stew that is fantastic. The album really starts to take off here and can actually get you more "stoned" than the first song. Great stuff!
"In Another Day" is absolutely....awesome!!! Amazing acid rock guitar that takes you away and a story that keeps you involved. This is an easy 5 star song. My fav!!!
"Best Suit" cracks me up. It's actually about a suit? a lost hat? it's great though, and the music is fantastic.
"Death, the Lover" wraps up the album and is very intense and dark, and as usual with this album, features incredible guitar playing from Hutchinson.
Conclusion: These guys are British, but if you love krautrock or space-rock, then give these guys a listen. Mick Hutchinson actually started out learning indian style music, and a good description could be: drug blues raga rock'n'roll. fun fun fun shit!!

A Clark - Hutchinson appreciation on Beefheart's Radar Station!
Clark-Hutchinson on progarchives.

Future Explorations
Hampton-Grease Band: I recently listened to "Music to Eat" (1971) and was blown away! These guys were incredible. Visionary! What's it like? Beefheartian Ubu Zappa bizarre Waitsian...something like that. These guys deserve a post all to themselves.

Andrew Hill: Point of Departure (1964) this was in the top 5 for 1964 on Rate Your Music, and I've never heard of him!? Sounds like some exploration is in order.

I'll leave you with a youtube of Mick Hutchinson today! Amazing solo guitar. On his youtube space, he announces that Clark Hutchinson are reforming and will release a new album with all new material. Listening to this youtube it should be great!



Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot Harvey .Nice of you to say that we appreciate it greatly
Mick Hutchinson

Harvey Dog said...

Thank you for providing lots of great moments listening to your music!

Emiliano_Zooamerica said...

hello my english is very bad, can you write "best suit" lyric because I can listen all very well, if write it I can understand :D
I told you my english is very bad jaja.
Saludos from argentina

Harvey Dog said...

Hi Emiliano

I understood your english just fine. Here are the amazing lyrics of "Best Suit":

I don't know how to begin it
I don't know what's in it
And I have no idea how it's going to end

But if you wait a minute
I think I'm sure ...
And maybe you'll be my friend
Believe me

I didn't want to shout it
I really don't know much about it
But if you listen now
I'll show you what I mean

Once I always thought
That I'd never miss
I really did think that a long time ago

But now I'm a few years older
And I know that after the music's all over
There's nothing left for me with this

Emptiness will be all around me
I know that
Silence will have finally found me

I really dressed up tonight for you
I put on my best suit for you
I don't know that my ... brighten my hairs
all the mess and all the rest but

I really did try to be smart for you
I put on my best face, my best eyes
My best everything for you

And you know that hat you gave me
Oh I'm so sorry for one windy day
It blew off my head and into the river

And I spend all night searching for it
And the dawn was so slow
coming up that day

I did everything I did
I did everything I did
I did everything I did for you

Yeah once I thought
That I'd never never never ever miss
Yeah I really did think that

But now I'm a few years older
And I know that after the music's all over
There's nothing left for me with this

Emptiness will be all around me
Oh silence will have finally found me
And you collapsed me

I did it all, I did everything for you
I know that my ... brighten my hairs
all the mess and all the rest

I really did try to be (smart) for you
Everything I did was for you
And I'm really, I'm sorry about that hat
I was searching all night really
And the dawn was so slow
coming up that day

I did it all, I did everything I did
Yeah I did everything for you
Ahh did it all, ahh did it all
Ahh did it all for you
Everything I did it for you

by Clark Hutchinson from "Retribution"

I actually found the lyrics on instead of transcribing...hey man, I'd rather listen.

Don't forget to check out their myspace site at
Lots of (new) vids & songs on there.

Cheers and thanks for visiting!