Thoughts on 2 Jobs
I'm settling into my second job now.
life skills
life skills
all the little children needs their life skills!!
The library job is rolling along
books come in
books go out
and I snarf the good ones!!!
I still haven't joined Facebook...
there's something about it
that leaves me....
wary of the whole thing...
One of the nice things about living on the coast is the weather. Ya hear people complain about the weather here...too much rain blah blah blah, but it don't compare to the storms and unpredictability of Southern Ontario or the bitter fucking cold [aside: Why Do I Live in Canada, indeed] and snow of Prince George. It's about 5 Celsius now, with the sun trying to shine through. It may rain later, but so what? I don't need no stinking snow shovel!!!
I'm working on an amazoni order - when you're this isolated, this is how you do your shopping. No record stores, No used LPs, No cd stores, No regular concerts, No touring bands...instead, you spend more time getting together an amazoni order. In addition to some wrestling dvds...ROH, XPW and the Eddie Guerrero and Mr. Perfect collections, I'm thinking of Julian Cope's Japrocksampler and a Psychedelia: Ultimate Anthology dvd with this great lineup:
Atomic Rooster - Black Snake
Bonzo Dog Do Da Band - Here Comes the Equestrian Statue
Curved Air - Vivaldi
Family - Strange Band
Gong - Radio Gnome
Hawkwind - Ejection
Lucifer's Friend - Ride the Sky
Nektar - Ned the Elephant
Renaissance - Island
Soft Machine - The Tale of Taliesin
UFO - Boogie
Van Der Graaf Generator - A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers
I mean, I'm sorry...I can't pass this one up for $15!! Family!!! Gong!!!! Hawkwind!!!! and others I really really enjoy: Atomic Rooster, Lucifer's Friend, VDGG, Soft Machine, Curved Air - damn, there's nothing I'm not at least curious about! I'd love to get Miles Davis: On the Corner Complete Sessions, but at $125 I'll wait until the credit cards are paid off....
Thoughts and Questions Dag-Nabitt
Are the early krautrock and japrock bands - the predecessors to the punk that came after the mid-70s? One John Lydon is a huge krautrock fan!
Is punk anything that defiantly fights against the norm?
The dogs are running rampant in the village of Skidegate!!! Let the dogs run wild and feast on deer carcasses that grace the side of our roads!!!
What the hell were the SWF Sessions in Germany in the early 70s. Coupla Prog & Kollectiv are 2 bands who were involved in these sessions...anyone else?
I wish houses could become clean through the power of thought process....* sigh *
Here's a couple of blogs where you can download and hear some pretty cool tuneage: Soundweave for exposure to new bands doing some great music, and Big O Worldwide for live shows and unreleased stuff.
Still digging into and exploring the wild jazz of Pharoah Sanders, Archie Shepp and Anthony Braxton (esp. with Corea in Circle!), and now Cecil Taylor. All these gentlemen have large discographies and are well worth researching! Dig in people dig in!!
Has it really been almost 2 weeks since my last real blog!? Man, for the past month I haven't had 2 days off in a row...until this weekend! The joy of 2 jobs, but I ain't complainin'...the jobs are fine.
Here's another video from The Hated Uncles archives courtesy of JK. This is "I Don't Wanna Die on Heroin" a little ditty about dabbling in the medicine chest. thanks jkubu0!
I'm settling into my second job now.
life skills
life skills
all the little children needs their life skills!!
The library job is rolling along
books come in
books go out
and I snarf the good ones!!!
I still haven't joined Facebook...
there's something about it
that leaves me....
wary of the whole thing...
One of the nice things about living on the coast is the weather. Ya hear people complain about the weather here...too much rain blah blah blah, but it don't compare to the storms and unpredictability of Southern Ontario or the bitter fucking cold [aside: Why Do I Live in Canada, indeed] and snow of Prince George. It's about 5 Celsius now, with the sun trying to shine through. It may rain later, but so what? I don't need no stinking snow shovel!!!
I'm working on an amazoni order - when you're this isolated, this is how you do your shopping. No record stores, No used LPs, No cd stores, No regular concerts, No touring bands...instead, you spend more time getting together an amazoni order. In addition to some wrestling dvds...ROH, XPW and the Eddie Guerrero and Mr. Perfect collections, I'm thinking of Julian Cope's Japrocksampler and a Psychedelia: Ultimate Anthology dvd with this great lineup:
Atomic Rooster - Black Snake
Bonzo Dog Do Da Band - Here Comes the Equestrian Statue
Curved Air - Vivaldi
Family - Strange Band
Gong - Radio Gnome
Hawkwind - Ejection
Lucifer's Friend - Ride the Sky
Nektar - Ned the Elephant
Renaissance - Island
Soft Machine - The Tale of Taliesin
UFO - Boogie
Van Der Graaf Generator - A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers
I mean, I'm sorry...I can't pass this one up for $15!! Family!!! Gong!!!! Hawkwind!!!! and others I really really enjoy: Atomic Rooster, Lucifer's Friend, VDGG, Soft Machine, Curved Air - damn, there's nothing I'm not at least curious about! I'd love to get Miles Davis: On the Corner Complete Sessions, but at $125 I'll wait until the credit cards are paid off....
Thoughts and Questions Dag-Nabitt
Are the early krautrock and japrock bands - the predecessors to the punk that came after the mid-70s? One John Lydon is a huge krautrock fan!
Is punk anything that defiantly fights against the norm?
The dogs are running rampant in the village of Skidegate!!! Let the dogs run wild and feast on deer carcasses that grace the side of our roads!!!
What the hell were the SWF Sessions in Germany in the early 70s. Coupla Prog & Kollectiv are 2 bands who were involved in these sessions...anyone else?
I wish houses could become clean through the power of thought process....* sigh *
Here's a couple of blogs where you can download and hear some pretty cool tuneage: Soundweave for exposure to new bands doing some great music, and Big O Worldwide for live shows and unreleased stuff.
Still digging into and exploring the wild jazz of Pharoah Sanders, Archie Shepp and Anthony Braxton (esp. with Corea in Circle!), and now Cecil Taylor. All these gentlemen have large discographies and are well worth researching! Dig in people dig in!!
Has it really been almost 2 weeks since my last real blog!? Man, for the past month I haven't had 2 days off in a row...until this weekend! The joy of 2 jobs, but I ain't complainin'...the jobs are fine.
Here's another video from The Hated Uncles archives courtesy of JK. This is "I Don't Wanna Die on Heroin" a little ditty about dabbling in the medicine chest. thanks jkubu0!
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