Sunday, December 28, 2008

Xmas Shoutouts

Xmas Shoutouts

Dudes and dudettes it's the time of year where full of good cheer we belch out civilities towards our families and friends. Here are my belches of the season:

JK: Got your package yesterday and it absolutely blew me away! The Hated Uncles "Special Edition" was so well done and professional you could sell it as a collectible box set - 2 dvds, 2 cds, 1 cd of images, pictures in an awesome package - I absolutely loved it, and showing Tammy old Uncle shows was a blast. I had completely forgotten about the show at the Rat! I cannot thank you enough for all the hard work you did. The card was so well done too! And your kids are beyond adorable!! I'll send you lyrics and I'll put together a couple of cds worth of Harvey Dog's weird and wonderful compilations.

Randy: Man, considering how busy you must be with a new additon to the family, I couldn't believe you had time to send a package. I did not have Japrocksampler in hard cover! And I didn't have about 75% of the music!! If I had 1 album from an artist you somehow sent the other one I needed...amazing! Thank you so much, and I'll continue putting aside tuneage for you. All the best to you and your family in the coming new year!

Andrew: I'm so glad you've kept in touch with me. Thanks! All the best to you and Sandra in the coming year!

Brant: My Nelson, BC music trading buddy. Thanks for all the great tuneage you've sent! All the best to you and yours in the coming year!

Dave: Maybe I'll see you this coming summer! Thanks for keeping the Guru entertained when she was in the Hammer this past summer. She needed a dose of your insanity! We all do!!

Mole: Keep on rockin' (or twangin'?) the hammer with your cult-like personality. Got a couple of things to send your way...eventually...

Mom & Dad: 'tanks...

I'm a bad bad boy...still haven't sent my parents their xmas gifts excuse is I haven't stopped working this xmas and I'm old and somewhat damaged from years of self-abuse and time passes
and passes
at a rapid rate
ya know -
that's why I'm
always late!

I'm also late with 2 more posts - 1 a miscellaneous babblefest and the other I'll explore the 2008 releases added to the collection.

Merry Xmas everybody!!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Mr Harvey!

May you and the Guru have a Happy and fun-filled New Year.

Andrew and Sandra R.

Harvey Dog said...

And a merry xmas to you and Sandra!

Harvey Dog & The Guru