Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Computer issue solved (until the next one!), Yardbirds do Velvets!! White Heaven to Status Quo and goodbye Trouble!

computer follow up

got the mofo working!!!! turns out i needed to copy the .htaccess & index.php files to the root folder...i had them in my wordpress folder (1 folder under the root) and thought i had the settings pointing to the right place...but...obviously not, cause copying these files to the root (../htdocs/) did the trick! Yeeha!!! now i can properly learn wordpress!!!

this is cool -- listening to a really rough recording of The Yardbirds live from 1968: "Last Rave Up with The Yardbirds (link)" and it's...rough, but you can tell it was a pretty hot show..."Dazed and Confused" sounded a lot like Zep's future versions, and then the next song started and I thought:
"What the hell - that sounds like I'm Waiting for my Man!' - i'll be damned - it is! The Yardbirds covering The Velvet Underground back in 1968...never heard of this - interesting...& it sounded good too!!

what else have i been listening too??
right now? right now! I am absolutely grooving on White Heaven's "Out" (1991). Definitely inspired by The Stooges...and I'm sure Les Rallizes...I love desperate rock'n'roll...ya know...ya have to rock or...you got nothing to live for! Another classic from Tokyo...if you haven't you should check out the "Tokyo Flashback (link)" series...that's where I first heard of these guys.

I am digging Devo's "Hardcore, vol. 1 & 2" - demos from the men in yellow. These songs are way more sinister lyrically (& experimental) than the albums.What is it about demos? Demos capture that original inspiration, before you start editing it for (mass) consumption...there's an innocence and purity about demos that can't be caught in a "real" studio.

...and now, the original Pebbles series (volume 1, no less) is next up on the mp3 player. Gotta love the energy!!!
odds and ends odds and ends

Bah and I went to Spirit Lake today for the first time in ages and it was great - sun shining, beautiful scenery, my harmonica...and listening to Status Quo "Never Too Late" (1981) of all things. Thoroughly enjoyed the bastard too!!...these guys are so consistent (ie. not taking chances) that it's sorta admirable. This is from 81 but punk might as well have not happened...they still cover Chuck Berry - and so they should! I can imagine the studio dialogue:
"dude, we need a slow song here"
"slow the beat by 1/8th."
"dude, we need a fast song now."
"speed the beat by 1/8th."
"cool, dude!"

the mind has been exploding ideas lately, but i've been having trouble collecting up the rubble and piecing it all together....
RIP Trouble...I miss you.


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