Sunday, June 01, 2008

Pre-I'm Not There Musical thoughts and ramblings

The Guru and I are just about ready to watch Todd Haynes' "I'm Not There". I saw a youtube clip of Cate Blanchett doing Dylan, and was very impressed. Let's see how the movie holds up. Why does one guy portraying Dylan on the back look like Eric Clapton???

Speaking of whom - I just finished Patti Boyd's "Eric and George and me in a drunken drugged stupor getting abused constantly and loving it" memoir, and I did find it quite entertaining. George certainly came across as a nicer person than Eric, who came across like a spoilt rich rock star [aside: um, which I guess he is]. Not a bad read at all.

Miscellaneous Musical Ponderings while waiting for The Guru

The Impressions were pretty shit hot.

I really like Nine Days Wonder...I was listening to "The Best Years of Our Lives" while walking The Bah and I was absolutely grooving to it. Singing out loud, pulled out the harmonica, and got into it's head space.

Dusk by Olivia Tremor Control was nothing like I expected. Beatles psychedelic pop mixed with some cool experimental shit. Very enjoyable! I'm not really sure what I was expecting.

Roky Erickson was a fun guy.

The Faces were quintessential rock'n'roll.

To show that I don't praise everything under the sun connected to krautrock - I found Da Capo's self-titled 1970 album pretty so-so. The odd cool groove, but overall pretty mediocre.


Time to watch the movie dudes.

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