Saturday, June 21, 2008

Rant: A beer garden available during the day at Hospital Days

Rant on a Beer Garden being run on Hospital Days

Hospital Days on Haida Gwaii - a beer garden! Look. This is supposed to be a family event, except for the dance at night, where I have no problems with it being licensed.

The alcohol problem is incredible here in Skidegate. Listen - it's a brutal problem on all reserves. I have a clubhouse member in the hospital because of his alcoholism [aside: when I mentioned this in a debate with a committee member in support of the beer garden, he said "whatever" and walked away. Sometimes - I really don't like people!], and at our clubhouses for Friday lunches, I have a terrible problem with guys coming to the clubhouse all pissed up.

So - the fucking organizing a BEER GARDEN during the day. Hear me out - yesterday I was helping booths together and one guy was so fucking blitzed they called the cops to take him away. This was at noon. These guys will show up bombed, and now with the beer garden, there will be even more...

The fucking dances here end up with violence because of this alcohol problem. I know what I talk about cause I dealt with 20 years of my own alcohol problem, and it sucked
and it increased my natural depression
it wasted so many days hungover - I can't even imagine
it made me say terrible things to people who did not deserve my irrational wrath
it made me an asshole
it gave me a skewed view of life
that everything revolved around drinking.

It's an issue in our society, and for the FUCKING HOSPITAL to have a beer garden available just makes me think the people running the show are greedy fucking bastards or are totally desensitized and insensitive to the issues here on Haida Gwaii. I hope it's the latter.

There are times and places where if you wanna get juiced - go for it...BUT...the hospital supporting this????? What's the door prize??? A carton of cigarettes????????

Rant over.

Next post - back to the music. I'm listening to Ghost "Lama Rabi Rabi" from 1996 and it's fucking awesome!!!

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