Monday, February 28, 2011

Oil Oil Oil Oil.........and more OIL!!!!


This was my response to a facebook share of the Dead Baby Dolphins (what a great punk rock name for a group!) being washed ashore at 10X the rate of normal on the Gulf Coast. Do you think the Gulf Oil Spill has anything to do with this???

The Oil companies control the government that control the media, and they say they need to do research (and the results won't come out until it's faded from people's collective memories) before they can determine if the oil spill had to do with this...we all know they want to sweep the full ramifications of the oil spill underneath the public radar...and instead of really finding alternative energy means North America is more concerned about "controlling" their own oil supply. Whether it's from here or the Mideast it's still fucking oil and it's still a threat to the environment...and we all have cars and we all need imports and exports which need to be shipped using amazing amounts of oil and the rich oil barons are more concerned with their own propaganda to make more and more money...Oil is the Devil's cup of tea and we all need to do what we can to reduce our oil consumption and break away from our reliance on it...and I'm looking right at myself!

The cool image is from which has a good article on the BP Oil Spill.

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