Thursday, March 10, 2011

Music: Sun Ra: Paris Tapes 1971 and 4 ra youtubes!!

i am absolutely freaking out on Sun Ra's: Paris Tapes 1971 disc 1...this is some primo wild ra...saucers swat notes out of the air like flies fleeing an incoming newspaper, and the arkestra follows the flies into every nook and cranny of the collective cranium of the...universe? cosmos?
wherever sun ra leads them...
follow them....
listen to ra...any era...the soul of the cosmos will open to you...
ra is speaking to me through his magical fingers dancing on his synthesizer and the chanting is hypnotic : "Somebody else's idea of somebody else's world, is not my idea of things as they are"...
and the final 22:42 of the final song on disc 1 watusi is a ride of crazy percussion and random screaming that makes all sort of sense and sounds...ethereal...
read about and d/l the paris tapes...
sun ra discography...
live in paris on art yard records (only the sampler..not the 2cd version)....

ah fuck's hard to talk about anyone else after sun ra...even though as klaus schulze's jubilee, vol. 17 comes on...nah, klaus deserves a full post soon...


Here's some black and white ra from West Berlin that is mind blowing...marshall allen is the one going nuts on the sax i believe...and some of the comments are hilarious...guess not everyone thinks this is music... i think it's beyond music!!...thanks erikmyxter


when i heard that the sun ra arkestra was laying in hamilton and i was in northern bc and even though sun ra is dead marshall allen is still there and i bet the spirit would still be there and i wish i was...thanks 74elcaminohef


wow...just, i!!! thanks chieflittlenuts (lol)


a short slice of way the fuck out there this is amazing shit...thanks tspgatmog


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