Sunday, November 27, 2005


The Velvet Underground: The Legendary Guitar Amp Tapes 1968-1969 (1996) ***** Riding a wave of electrical feedback...pulsating head a mere fragment, a mere scrap of possibilities. Drown drown drowning in haphazard thoughts. thc rippling through my frontal vein throbbing out that pounding Maureen Tucker beat. Sterling and Lou fight a dance and circle each other searching for space. Is it Doug on organ? The sound coalescing into light...the finest of bootlegs.

It's the Velvet Underground man!!!!!

OK OK OK...I'm hearing bubbles in the ocean bubbles in the ocean...through my fucking computer system! As of right now this is a ***** listening to "Heroin / Sister Ray". Amazing stoner music.

Listening to "Run Run Run" now. At first it sounds rough, then the feedback takes you away and you're back floating with velvet angel wings on that driving backbeat. That's it...It's *****!!

I went to the local library and they actually had a copy of Julian Cope's "Head On" and "Repossessed". 2 in 1!! Cool. I'll get through them and report back here. Love the cover of "Repossessed".

Started Warren Kinsella's "Fury's Hour". He calls it a punk manifesto. Looks interesting.

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