Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Eyeballs are popping, Ash Ra Tempel incites poetry and I run out of things to say.

I'm freaking out Jim I'm freaking out!
"Ow. I just popped my eyeball." "I don't know how I put up with you babe."

So begins another night of surreality and madcap laughs. After listening to a MOJO cd (The Roots of Led Zeppelin: excellent) and an Uncut cd (Tracks inspired by The Boss: better than I thought, since, no matter how hard I've tried, I still can't get into the Boss. I love when Manfred Mann's Earth Band covers him), I thought it was time for mind melt. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you...


Ash Ra Tempel: Ash Ra Tempel (1971) ***** I love this album. I first read about Ash Ra Tempel in one of my article about them recording an album with Timothy Leary. It sounded just insane. I had to have it. Praise the "Mother Librarian", Randy came out to Prince George for the summer...and voila I have 3 Ash Ra Tempel records. I will definitely order some more Ash Ra Tempel.

seventh eye means little
in realms
of prisms
glass shards shine

time passes.....20 minutes into 1

a gentle pulse
false sense of

embrace the cornerstone
the future

dim eyes pollute
the atmosphere
and lies destroy the

Earth baby it's the motherfuckin'

This is beautiful music obviously driving me crazy. It's great to just free float write and see what the hell comes out. Get some Ash Ra Tempel. It'll be good for you. It's like the freedom of the music allows you to open and be free yourself.

Motherfucker! Ash Ra Tempel official web site.


Another one for the "Top 10 rock stars to make fun of". Ted Nugent. Or would he be on "Top 10 scariest rock stars of all time" list? And Gene Simmons could be on either list as well.

Just reminding you about Captain Beefheart...and Kevin Coyne.

Popping your eyeball is no laughing matter. I'm sure Alice Cooper has popped his eyeballs. Alice Cooper's official web site.

Guru T-Lu and I are fighting over the computer. I just told her: "I feel like I have more to write, but I'm feeling pressured." Guru T-Lu: "If you're feeling pressure, now's not the time to write."

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